phpIPAM API documentation

phpIPAM comes with full REST API you can use to interact with phpipam with your own applications. It follows rest guidelines and recommendations.

Please note: url_rewrite is required for API to work ! Read this guide.

To simplify deployment you can use API classes for different languages available on Github - Collection of API clients for phpipam API.


  1. General information
    1. HTTP Request methods
    2. Request structure
    3. Encrypted requests
    4. Response handling
    5. Output format
    6. Global parameters
  2. Authentication and permissions
    1. Dynamic Authentication
    2. Static Authentication
    3. Authorisation (Permissions)
  3. Controllers
    1. Sections
    2. Subnets
    3. Folders
    4. VLANs
    5. Addresses
    6. L2 domains
    7. VRFs
    8. Devices
    9. Tools
    10. Prefix
    11. Search

1.) General information

1.1 HTTP Request methods

phpipam API uses standard HTML request methods that are described in below table:

Method Description
OPTIONS Returns all supported controllers and methods
GET Reads object(s) details and returns it in requested format
POST Creates new object
PUT Changes object values
PATCH Alias to PUT method
DELETE Deletes an object

1.2 Request structure

REST request to be sent to API server for unencrypted and SSL API requests should be provided in standard URL structure:

GET /api/myAPP/sections/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
token: UJMcRNGjxH5UvHGeRy!vzgtL

1.3 Encrypted requests

phpIPAM API also supports encrypted requsts that can be sent over internet via normal HTTP request with encrypted payload. To create encrypted app select "crypt" under api settings (App security). Encrypted requests should be sent to API server in following format:
GET /api/?app_id=<APP_NAME>&enc_request={encrypted_request} HTTP/1.1
To encrypt and decrypt requests base64_encoded MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 encrypted json_encoded request is used :) , encrypted with app_key and formulated in following way:
urlencode(base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, {app_key}, json_encode($request_params), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB)))

Steps to create above request:
  • json_encode request parameters ($_GET)
  • encrypt json_encoded parameters with rijndael_256 using app_key provided in phpipam gui for app
  • base64 encode encrypted parameters to ensure html chars are encoded
  • send GET request with app_id and created enc_request parameters

Examples for php clients can be found in _examples directory in API folder.

mcrypt extension is deprecated in php version 7.1. Please use OpenSSL instead.

1.4 Response handling

API response will be handled with standard HTTP result codes present in response header:
  • 2xx success
  • 4xx client errors
  • 5xx server errors

Response in JSON/XML format will always contain following fields to simplify management:
  • success (true, false)
  • code (http result code)
  • message (in case of failures)
  • data (in case data is present)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2015 06:19:33 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.12 (FreeBSD) OpenSSL/1.0.1l-freebsd
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Length: 261
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
token: UJMcRNGjxH5UvHGeRy!vzgtL
    “code“: 200,
    “success“: true,
    “data“: {
    “id”: “92”,
    “name”: “api_post_create”,
    “description”: “lalala 12”,
Example of bad request:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2015 06:38:41 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.12 (FreeBSD) OpenSSL/1.0.1l-freebsd
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Length: 59
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
    “code“: 400,
    “success“: false,
    “message“: “invalid controller”
If new object will be created header will also contain Location field with href of newly created element and id field:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2015 14:01:36 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.12 (FreeBSD) OpenSSL/1.0.1l-freebsd
Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Location: /api/myAPP/sections/92/
Content-Length: 65
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
    “code”: 201,
    “success”: true,
    “data”: “Section created successfully”

1.5 Output format

Output format, e.g. the way result data is presented to client is handled with “Content-type” request header. By default API will return data in json format, you can change this with Content-type header.

API supports 2 types of result formatting:
  • JSON (default)
  • XML
By default API will return JSON format, if XML is required add Content-Type request header:
Content-Type: application/xml

1.6 Global API parameters

Global parameters can be added to each API requst to manage result handling. Currently supported global parameters are:
parameter type description
links boolean Controls weather to show links inside results to discover options. Default: true
filter_by varchar Filters result by this field (field must exist)
* If no results are present response will be http 404 (not found)
filter_value varchar Filters results by this value
* required if filter_by is specified
filter_match 1.4 full,partial,regex Additional option for filtering results.
  • If you need timed response set var $time_response to true in api/index.php.
  • If you need API to work in thread-safe mode set this for each app under administration.
"code": 200,
"success": true,
"data": {
    "id": "1472",
    "showName": "0",
    "links": [
        "rel": "self",
        "href": "/api/myAPP/subnets/1472/",
        "methods": [
        "rel": "usage",
        "href": "/api/myAPP/subnets/1472/usage/",
        "methods": [

2.) Authentication and permissions

2.1 Dynamic authentication

To use API first you have to authenticate with username/password from account created in phpipam application. Authentication is done via “authorization” HTTP header. If authentication is successfull you will receive API token that needs to be included in header in each next API requests. Please note that SSL is highly recommended, if authentication type is BASIC request is sent unencrypted and can be easily interceted and decoded.

  • Authentication is required for NONE and SSL security
  • SSL security is highly recommended
Along with token you will receive also token expiration date, which is set to 6 hours by default and can be changed. Each successfull request resets the expiration time for token. Token validity can be checked by issuing a GET request to user (GET /api/myAPI/user/) with "phpipam-token" or "token" header containg token. To reset validity issue a PATCH request to same URL.
Note: "token" or "phpipam-token" header needs to be included in each API request to identify yourself!

Available methods for authentication (user) controller:

Method URL Description
GET /api/my_app/user/ Checks if token is still valid and returns expires value for token.
“phpipam-token” or "token" HTTP header must be present.
/api/my_app/user/token/ Returns token expiration date
/api/my_app/user/token_expires/ Returns token expiration date
/api/my_app/user/all/ Returns all users
rwa app permissions required
/api/my_app/user/admins/ Returns admin users
rwa app permissions required
POST /api/my_app/user/ Authenticates user through “authorization” header.
Successfull response contains “token” and “expires”.
This token must be included in each following interactions with API as “phpipam-token” HTTP header.
PATCH /api/my_app/user/ Same as GET, but it resets the expiration of token.
“phpipam-token” or "token" HTTP header must be present.
DELETE /api/my_app/user/ Removes (revokes) token.
“phpipam-token” or "token" HTTP header must be present.


POST /api/myAPP/user/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic YWgta146c3A0bm1raWE=
Response (success):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2015 06:05:28 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.12 (FreeBSD) OpenSSL/1.0.1l-freebsd
Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Length: 103
Content-Type: application/json

{“code”:200,”success”:true,”data”:{“token”:”Z1q=j2bdwx56NR14KFcTi7P$”,”expires”:”2015-07-09 20:05:28″}}
API Call to get all sections:
GET /api/myAPP/sections/ HTTP/1.1
token: Z1q=j2bdwx56NR14KFcTi7P$

2.2 Static authentication

From version 1.4 on there is an option to use static authentication. Difference compared to dynamic authentication is that you don't need to authenticate with user/pass to get token for queries but you use static token that is defined for APP. SSL is required in this case.

Dynamic authentication is considered more secure as token is dynamicall generated on each login.

Note: "token" or "phpipam-token" header needs to be included in each API request to identify yourself!

2.2 Authorisation (permissions)

Authorisation (permissions) are controlled with app_id – ID of your application. You can set authorisation parameters on phpipam web UI. To retrieve permissions for current APP you can use OPTIONS, result will output permissions, they can be one of the following:

  • Disabled
  • Read
  • Read / Write
  • Read / Write / Admin


curl -X OPTIONS -H "token: Z1q=j2bdwx56NR14KFcTi7P$" ""
    "code": 200,
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "permissions": "Read / Write",
        "controllers": [

3.) Controllers

Controllers control which portion of phpipam you wish to work on, or which objects. Controller is a second request parameter that should be sent to server. Currently available API controllers are:

Controller Description
sections Manages sections part of phpipam
subnets Manages Subnets and folder objects
folders Folders is alias for subnets controller.
addresses Manages IP addresses
vlans Manages VLANs
l2domains Manages VLAN domains
vrfs Manages VRF
tools Tools controller (special)
prefix Prefix controller (special)
*Tip: All supported controllers can be fetched using OPTIONS method:
OPTIONS /api/myAPP/ HTTP/1.1
token: UJMcRNGjxH5UvHGeRy!vzgtL

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache/2.4.12 (FreeBSD) OpenSSL/1.0.1l-freebsd
Content-Length: 416
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
    “code”: 200,
    “success”: true,
    “data”: [
        “href”: “/api/myAPP/sections/”,
        “rel”: “Sections”
        “href”: “/api/myAPP/subnets/”,
        “rel”: “Subnets”

3.1 Sections controller

Available API calls for sections controller:

Method URL Description
GET /api/my_app/sections/ Returns all sections
/api/my_app/sections/{id}/ Returns specific section
/api/my_app/sections/{id}/subnets/ Returns all subnets in section
/api/my_app/sections/{id}/subnets/addresses/ 1.5 Returns all subnets in section
/api/my_app/sections/{name}/ Returns specific section by name
/api/my_app/sections/{name}/subnets/ 1.5 Returns specific subnets in names section
/api/my_app/sections/custom_fields/ Returns custom section fields
POST /api/my_app/sections/ Creates new section
PATCH /api/my_app/sections/ Updates section
DELETE /api/my_app/sections/ Deletes section with all belonging subnets and addresses

Available parameters for sections controller:

Parameter Type Methods Description
id varchar GET, POST, PATCH Section identifier, identifies which section to work on.
name varchar GET, POST, PATCH Section name, unique value
description text POST, PATCH Description of section
masterSection int POST, PATCH Id of master section if section is nested (default: 0)
permissions varchar (json) POST, PATCH Json encoded group permissions for section groupId:permission_level (0-3)
strictMode binary POST, PATCH Weather to check consistency for subnets and IP addresses (default: 0)
subnetOrdering varchar POST, PATCH Order of subnets in this section (default: subnet,asc)
order int POST, PATCH Order of sections list display
editDate datetime / Date of last edit (yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss)
showVLAN binary POST, PATCH Show / hide VLANs in subnet list (default: 0)
showVRF binary POST, PATCH Show / hide VRFs in subnet list(default: 0)
showSupernetOnly binary POST, PATCH Show only supernets in subnet list(default: 0) 1.3
DNS varchar POST, PATCH Id of NS resolver to be used for section

3.2 Subnets controller

Available API calls for subnets controller:

Method URL Description
GET /api/my_app/subnets/ Returns all subnets in all sections
/api/my_app/subnets/all/ Returns all subnets in all sections (alias)
/api/my_app/subnets/{id}/ Returns specific subnet by id
/api/my_app/subnets/{id}/usage/ Returns subnet usage
/api/my_app/subnets/{id}/slaves/ Returns all immediate slave subnets
/api/my_app/subnets/{id}/slaves_recursive/ Returns all slave subnets recursive
/api/my_app/subnets/{id}/addresses/ Returns all addresses in subnet
/api/my_app/subnets/{id}/addresses/{ip}/ Returns IP address from subnet
/api/my_app/subnets/{id}/first_free/ Returns first available IP address in subnet
/api/my_app/subnets/{id}/first_subnet/{mask}/ Returns first available subnet within selected for mask
/api/my_app/subnets/{id}/last_subnet/{mask}/ 1.5 Returns last available subnet within selected for mask
/api/my_app/subnets/{id}/all_subnets/{mask}/ Returns all available subnets within selected for mask
/api/my_app/subnets/custom_fields/ Returns all subnet custom fields
/api/my_app/subnets/cidr/{subnet}/ Searches for subnet in CIDR format
/api/my_app/subnets/search/{subnet}/ Searches for subnet in CIDR format
/api/my_app/subnets/overlapping/{subnet}/ 1.5 Returns all overlapping subnets
POST /api/my_app/subnets/ Creates new subnet
/api/my_app/subnets/{id}/first_subnet/{mask}/ Creates new child subnet inside subnet with specified mask
PATCH /api/my_app/subnets/ Updates Subnet
/api/my_app/subnets/{id}/resize/ Resizes subnet to new mask
/api/my_app/subnets/{id}/split/ Splits subnet to smaller subnets
/api/my_app/subnets/{id}/permissions/ Sets subnet permissions (?grouname1=ro&groupname2=3&43=1)
DELETE /api/my_app/subnets/{id}/ Deletes Subnet
/api/my_app/subnets/{id}/truncate/ Removes all addresses from subnet
/api/my_app/subnets/{id}/permissions/ Removes all permissions

Available parameters for subnets controller:

Oarameter Type Methods Description
id number GET, PATCH, DELETE Subnet identifier, identifies which subnetto work on.
subnet IP POST IP address of subnet in dotted format (e.g.
mask int POST, PATCH Subnet bitmask
description text POST, PATCH Subnet description
sectionId number POST, PATCH Section identifier (mandatory on add method).
linked_subnet int POST, PATCH Linked IPv6 subnet
vlanId int POST, PATCH Assigns subnet to VLAN (default: 0)
vrfId int POST, PATCH Assigns subnet to VRF(default: 0)
masterSubnetId int POST, PATCH Master subnet id for nested subnet (default: 0)
nameserverId int POST, PATCH Id of nameserver to attach to subnet (default: 0)
showName binary POST, PATCH Controls weather subnet is displayed as IP address or Name in subnets menu (default: 0)
permissions varchar (json) POST, PATCH Group permissions for subnet.
DNSrecursive binary POST, PATCH Controls if PTR records should be created for subnet (default: 0)
DNSrecords binary POST, PATCH Controls weather hostname DNS records are displayed (default: 0)
allowRequests binary POST, PATCH Controls if IP requests are allowed for subnet (default: 0)
scanAgent binary POST, PATCH Controls which scanagent to use for subnet (default: 1)
pingSubnet binary POST, PATCH Controls if subnet should be included in status checks (default: 0)
discoverSubnet binary POST, PATCH Controls if new hosts should be discovered for new host scans (default: 0)
isFolder binary POST Controls if we are adding subnet or folder (default: 0)
isFull binary POST, PATCH Marks subnet as used (default: 0)
state int POST, PATCH Assignes state (tag) to subnet (default: 1 – Used)
threshold int POST, PATCH Subnet threshold
location int POST, PATCH Location index
editDate datetime / Date and time of last update

3.3 Folders controller

Folder controller is an alias for subnets controller. Folder is cdefined with with isFolder=1 parameter.

3.4 Addresses controller

Available API calls for addresses controller:

Method URL Description
GET /api/my_app/addresses/{id}/ Returns specific address
/api/my_app/addresses/all/ 1.5 Returns all addresses in all sections
/api/my_app/addresses/{id}/ping/ Checks address status
/api/my_app/addresses/{ip}/{subnetId}/ Returns address from subnet by ip address
/api/my_app/addresses/search/{ip}/ searches for addresses in database, returns multiple if found
/api/my_app/addresses/search_hostname/{hostname}/ Searches for addresses in database by hostname, returns multiple if found
/api/my_app/addresses/search_linked/{value}/ 1.5 Searches in database for addresses linked by customer defined "Link addresses" field, returns multiple if found
/api/my_app/addresses/search_hostbase/{hostbase}/ 1.5 Searches for addresses by leading substring (base) of hostname, returns ordered multiple
/api/my_app/addresses/search_mac/{mac}/ 1.5 Searches for addresses by mac, returns ordered multiple
/api/my_app/addresses/first_free/{subnetId}/ Returns first available address (subnetId can be provided with parameters)
/api/my_app/addresses/custom_fields/ Returns custom fields
/api/my_app/addresses/tags/ Returns all tags
/api/my_app/addresses/tags/{id}/ Returns specific tag
/api/my_app/addresses/tags/{id}/addresses/ Returns addresses for specific tag
POST /api/my_app/addresses/ Creates new address
/api/my_app/addresses/first_free/{subnetId}/ Creates new address in subnets – first available (subnetId can be provided with parameters)
PATCH /api/my_app/addresses/{id}/ Updates address
DELETE /api/my_app/addresses/{id}/ Deletes address
use 'remove_dns=1' parameter to remove all related DNS records
/api/my_app/addresses/{ip}/{subnetId}/ Deletes address by IP in specific subnet

Available parameters for addresses controller:

Parameter Type Methods Description
id number GET, PATCH, DELETE address identifier, identifies which addressto work on.
subnetId number POST Id of subnet address belongs to
ip ip POST IP address
is_gateway binary POST, PATCH Defines if address is presented as gateway
description text POST, PATCH Address description
hostname varchar POST, PATCH Address hostname
mac varchar POST, PATCH Mac address
owner varchar POST, PATCH Address owner
tag int POST, PATCH IP tag (online, offline, …)
PTRignore binary POST, PATCH Controls if PTR should not be created
PTR int POST, PATCH Id of PowerDNS PTR record
deviceId int POST, PATCH Id of device address belongs to
port varchar POST, PATCH Port
note text POST, PATCH Note
lastSeen datetime POST, PATCH Date and time address was last seen with ping.
excludePing binary POST, PATCH Exclude this address from status update scans (ping)
editDate datetime / Date and time of last update

3.5 VLAN controller

Available API calls for VLAN controller:

Method URL Description
GET /api/my_app/vlan/ Returns all Vlans
/api/my_app/vlan/all/ 1.5 Returns all Vlans (alias)
/api/my_app/vlan/{id}/ Returns specific Vlan
/api/my_app/vlan/{id}/subnets/ Returns all subnets attached tovlan
/api/my_app/vlan/{id}/subnets/{sectionId}/ Returns all subnets attached to vlan in specific section
/api/my_app/vlan/{id}/custom_fields/ Returns custom VLAN fields
/api/my_app/vlan/{id}/search/{number}/ Searches for VLAN
POST /api/my_app/vlan/ Creates new VLAN
PATCH /api/my_app/vlan/ Updates VLAN
DELETE /api/my_app/vlan/ Deletes VLAN

Available parameters for VLAN controller:

parameter type methods description
id number GET, PATCH, DELETE Vlan identifier, identifies which vlan to work on.
domainId number POST, PATCH L2 domain identifier (default 1 – default domain)
name varchar POST Vlan name
number int POST, PATCH Vlan number
description text POST, PATCH Vlan description
editDate datetime / Date and time of last update

3.6 VLAN Domains controller (L2 domains)

Available API calls for VLAN Domains controller:

Method URL Description
GET /api/my_app/l2domains/ Returns all L2 domains
/api/my_app/l2domains/all/ 1.5 Returns all L2 domains (alias)
/api/my_app/l2domains/{id}/ Returns specific L2 domain
/api/my_app/l2domains/{id}/vlans/ Returns all VLANs within L2 domain
/api/my_app/l2domains/custom_fields/ Returns all custom fields
POST /api/my_app/l2domains/ Creates new L2 domain
PATCH /api/my_app/l2domains/ Updates L2 domain
DELETE /api/my_app/l2domains/ Deletes L2 domain

Available parameters for VLAN Domains controller:

parameter type methods description
id number GET, PATCH, DELETE Vlan identifier
domainId number POST, PATCH L2 domain identifier (default 1 – default domain)
name varchar POST Vlan name
number int POST, PATCH Vlan number
description text POST, PATCH Vlan description
editDate datetime / Date and time of last update

3.7 VRF controller

Available API calls for VRF controller:

Method URL Description
GET /api/my_app/vrf/ Returns all VRFs
/api/my_app/vrf/ 1.5 Returns all VRFs (alias)
/api/my_app/vrf/{id}/ Returns specific VRF
/api/my_app/vrf/{id}/subnets/ Returns all subnets within VRF
/api/my_app/vrf/custom_fields/ Returns all custom fields
POST /api/my_app/vrf/ Creates new VRF
PATCH /api/my_app/vrf/ Updates VRF
DELETE /api/my_app/vrf/ Deletes VRF

Available parameters for VRF controller:

parameter type methods description
id number GET, PATCH, DELETE VRF identifier
name varchar POST VRF name
rd varchar POST, PATCH VRF route distinguisher
description text POST, PATCH VRF description
sections text POST, PATCH In which sections to display VRF. Blanks shows in all.
editDate datetime / Date and time of last update

3.8 Devices controller 1.3

Available API calls for Devices controller:

Method URL Description
GET /api/my_app/devices/ Returns all devices
/api/my_app/devices/all/ 1.5 Returns all devices (alias)
/api/my_app/devices/{id}/ Returns specific device
/api/my_app/devices/{id}/subnets/ Returns all subnets within device
/api/my_app/devices/{id}/addresses/ Returns all addresses within device
/api/my_app/devices/search/{search_string}/ Searches for devices with {search_string} in any belonging field
POST /api/my_app/devices/ Creates new device
PATCH /api/my_app/devices/ Updates device
DELETE /api/my_app/devices/ Deletes device

Available parameters for Devices controller:

parameter type methods description
id number GET, PATCH, DELETE Device identifier
hostname varchar POST, PATCH Device hostname
ip_addr varchar POST, PATCH Device ip address
descriptuion varchar POST, PATCH Device description
sections varchar POST, PATCH List of section id's device belongs to (e.g. 3;4;5)
rack, rack_start, rack_size varchar POST, PATCH Device rack index, start position and size in U
location varchar POST, PATCH Device location index

3.9 Tools controller

Tools controller is a special controller that uses subcontrollers to work on specific objects within database. For API call {subcontroller} parameter must be used in following structure:
Available subcontrollers are:
  • tags
  • devices
  • device_types
  • vlans
  • vrfs
  • nameservers
  • scanagents
  • locations 1.3
  • nat 1.3
  • racks 1.3

Available API calls for Tools controller:

Method URL Description
GET /api/my_app/tools/{subcontroller}/ Returns all subcontroller objects
/api/my_app/tools/{subcontroller}/{identifier}/ Returns specific subcontroller object
/api/my_app/tools/device_types/{id}/devices/ 1.5 Returns all devices belonging to device types
/api/my_app/tools/vlans/{id}/subnets/ 1.5 Returns all subnets belonging to vlan
/api/my_app/tools/vrf/{id}/subnets/ 1.5 Returns all subnets belonging to vrf
/api/my_app/tools/locations/{id}/subnets/ 1.5 Returns all subnets belonging to location
/api/my_app/tools/locations/{id}/devices/ 1.5 Returns all devices belonging to location
/api/my_app/tools/locations/{id}/racks/ 1.5 Returns all racks belonging to location
/api/my_app/tools/locations/{id}/ipaddresses/ 1.5 Returns all ip addresses belonging to location
/api/my_app/tools/racks/{id}/devices/ 1.5 Returns all devices belonging to rack
/api/my_app/tools/nat/{id}/objects/ 1.5 Returns all objects belonging to nat
/api/my_app/tools/nat/{id}/objects_full/ 1.5 Returns all objects with all parameters belonging to nat
POST /api/my_app/tools/{subcontroller}/ Creates new subcontroller object
PATCH /api/my_app/tools/{subcontroller}/{identifier}/ Updates subcontroller object
DELETE /api/my_app/tools/{subcontroller}/{identifier}/ Deletes subcontroller object

Some subcontrollers have special options to fetch data, provided in below table:

Method URL Description
GET /tools/device_types/{id}/ Returns device type details
/tools/device_types/{id}/devices/ Returns all devices with devicetype
GET /tools/vlans/{id}/subnets/ Returns all subnets that belong to VLAN
GET /tools/vrfs/{id}/subnets/ Returns all subnets that belong to VRF
GET /tools/locations/{id}/subnets/ Returns all subnets that belong to Location
GET /tools/locations/{id}/devices/ Returns all devices that belong to Location
GET /tools/locations/{id}/racks/ Returns all racks that belong to Location
GET /tools/racks/{id}/devices/ Returns all devices that belong to rack
GET /tools/nat/{id}/objects/ Returns nat details and array of all attached objects
GET /tools/nat/{id}/objects_full/ Returns nat details and full array of all attached objects

3.10 Prefixes controller 1.3

Prefix controller is a special controller, available from version 1.3, whose purpose is to simplify automatic subnet / address provisioning by eliminating the need to specify subnetId, sectionId etc in API calls, but instead relies on custom fields that marks subnets that are being used for this process.

This controller returns first available subnet or first available address from all subnets, that are marked with specific custom field. Custom fields are controllable and must be changed in class itself.

Default subnet selectors:
  • $custom_field_name = “customer_type”;
  • $custom_field_orderby = “subnet”;
  • $custom_field_order_direction = “asc”;
Default address subnet selectors:
  • $custom_field_name_addr = “customer_type”;
  • $custom_field_orderby_addr= “subnet”;
  • $custom_field_order_direction_addr = “asc”;

Method URL Description
GET /api/my_app/prefix/{customer_type}/ Returns all subnets used to deliver new subnets
/api/my_app/prefix/{customer_type}/{address_type}/ 1.5
/api/my_app/prefix/{customer_type}/{address_type}/{mask}/ 1.5
/api/my_app/prefix/external_id/{external_identifier_field}/ 1.5
/api/my_app/prefix/{customer_type}/{ip_version}/ Deprecated in 1.5 Returns all subnets used to deliver new subnets for specific IP version
* ip_version can be IPv4, IPv6, v4, v6
/api/my_app/prefix/{customer_type}/address/ Deprecated in 1.5 Returns all subnets used to deliver new addresses
/api/my_app/prefix/{customer_type}/address/{ip_version}/ Deprecated in 1.5 Returns all subnets used to deliver new addresses for specific IP version
/api/my_app/prefix/{customer_type}/{ip_version}/{mask}/ Deprecated in 1.5 Returns first available subnet for ip version and requested mask
/api/my_app/prefix/{customer_type}/{ip_version}/address/ Deprecated in 1.5 Returns first available address for ip version
POST /api/my_app/prefix/{customer_type}/{ip_version}/{mask}/ Creates first available subnet for ip version and requested mask
/api/my_app/prefix/{customer_type}/{ip_version}/address/ Creates first available address for ip version

Example call:
GET/POST /api/{app_id}/prefixes/{customer_type}/{address_type}/{mask}/
address_type: v4/v6
mask: requested mask
This will return first available subnet for requested IP version/mask, response will be:
    [code] => 201
    [success] => 1
    [id] => 3241
    [message] => Subnet created
    [data] =>
    [time] => 0.053

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